среда, 25 января 2012 г.

Our response to Chamberlain

Translation for foreigners.

From: Peter Lanskov
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 1:13 PM
Subject: Participation in the elections of March 4

Information for members of the Leningrad Popular Front
and members of the Leningrad City Council (1990 - 1993)

Dear friends,

This week it is still possible to get into the members of precinct election commissions (PECs) with a vote of Apple. For this we must personally fill out the attached application form to the TEC (PEC number agreeing with Apple) and, together with copies of the first turn of the passport and registration sheet indicating the report on Shpalernaya 13, the office of Apple.

I propose to support the proposal of Yu  Solodovnikov concentrated participation of veterans in the LNP election observation in the downtown area, have given their legal and technical support from a single center.

Since NF-greetings,
Peter Lanskov, a member of the LNP.

Paul Tsyplenkov - Peter Lenskovu
As well as all indifferent.
Ladies and gentlemen!
I suggest: no observers at election commission not to send.
In any case, until then, until it became the opinion of the court on the claims of the party "Fair Russia". The court had already started on January 24. That there's the news?
We must boycott these elections, even if observers of something and notice the same and election commission members, their opinion will sink into Oblivion (this is a river in mythology).
Until then, until they obey the law and punish the crooks in the infrared, to meet the complaints of members of the IC and observers, we should boycott the elections and publicly say so.
No sense to observers, I do not see it.

What are the practical benefits of observers? Well, man earns for a day wasted nerves 1000 - 2000 rubles, then-then what?
Expel him from the site ...
Or will sit, blinking his eyes, get a copy, and the next day - a number are not the same, and print on an "authentic" protocol is different.

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